Tag: CT
Inclusion of Theory Documents about Dis-/Misinformation
Dear Network, As of today, the posts which I file on LinkedIn will include theoretical texts and resources on mis-/disinformation. The to-be-included documents – which…
New on Preventhate.org | Policyinstitute.net, 29 January 2024
The Online and the ‘Real World’ (Policyinstitute.net)
I have made it clear in a number of comments that I see a prevalence of ‘analog bias’ in analyses about online hate and extremism….
Violent Extremism v. Terrorism. Branding a Dangerous Phenomenon
Terrorism or, phrased in a politically correct manner, violent extremism, has existed since groups of people were first opposed in conflicts and wars. Both expressions…
The Internet as a Co-Determinant of Violent Extremism (Policyinstitute.net)
New studies show that more cases of radicalization occur through the use and consumption of social media and of internet content. At the same time,…
Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. January 2023 (I/II, Part b) | Policyinstitute.net
On the list below, you will find the second part of the 120 most popular LinkedIn posts on the topics of counter-extremism and countering hate…
Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. January 2023 (I/II, Part a) | Policyinstitute.net
On the list below, you will find the first part of the 120 most popular LinkedIn posts on the topics of counter-extremism and countering hate…
Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. December 2022 (I/I, Part b) | Policyinstitute.net
On the list below, you will find the second part of the 140 most popular LinkedIn posts on the topics of counter-extremism and countering hate…
Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. December 2022 (I/I, Part a) | Policyinstitute.net
On the list below, you will find the first part of the 140 most popular LinkedIn posts on the topics of counter-extremism and countering hate…
Counter-Terrorism Institutions in Germany
In Germany, four main executive institutions at federal level are involved in counter-terrorism: Bundespolizei (BPol), Bundeskriminalamt (BKA), Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), and Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND). This…