Digest of P/CVE LinkedIn Posts, May 2020 (II)

We have packaged the 20 most-consulted LinkedIn posts, on the topic of counter-extremism, by Thorsten Koch, MA, PgDip (Second half of May). In descending order:

Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Vol. 43, 2020
(Taylor and Francis)

The Roles of Women in Supporting and Opposing Violent Extremism
(Deakin University)

Gender Dimensions of the Responses to Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters
(United Nations)

Motives of far-right and Islamist terrorists ‘eerily similar’

Measuring radicalisation: risk assessment conceptualisations and practice in England and Wales
(Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression)

Zuckerberg Distances Facebook From Twitter in Trump Fight

Tech Against Terrorism Mentorship
(tech against terrorism)

Tool Kit Youth work against violent radicalisation and extremism

The Ecology of Extremists’ Communications: Messaging Effectiveness, Social Environments and Individual Attributes

Radical online communities and their toxic allure for autistic men


Books: How to create an Islamist radical
(The Herald)

Facebook Removes Record Number Of Hate Speech Posts

Respect requested during protests against Corona restrictions

Governing online hate speech: new study recommends victim-sensitive approach and warns against over-removing of content

Cryptocurrencies as Threats to Public Security and Counter Terrorism: Risk Analysis and Regulatory Challenges

Facebook created more than 10,000 ‘hateful memes’ to help researchers learn how to spot hate speech
(Business Insider)

What Can Work (and What Has Not Worked) in Women-Centric P/CVE Initiatives

Webinar: Can Convicted Terrorists Be Rehabilitated?

Webinar: Counter-terrorism, Sanctions & Humanitarian Access in the COVID-19 Era
(Red Cross)

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Response on Violent Extremist Recruitment and Radicalisation

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