Counter-Extremism and Development

In so-called underdeveloped countries, industrialization has long been considered the main key to development. Albeit, economic development must be enshrined in an ensemble of areas. Thus, besides basic schooling, advanced education as well as the instauration of economic skills and motivation should be fostered. An essential step towards a higher quality of life and, ultimately, labor efficiency is early-childhood development in countries where child labor used to be rampant.

He or she who is integrated in society and the economy is much less likely to fall for violent extremism, and will be more likely to be valuable member of society, than those who are not integrated, given an environment where individuals can live productively and responsibly. This is not called into question by cases where education did not serve to prevent terrorist events. General economic discontent and frustration pose more of a challenge than other forms of disappointment.

Every country differs in culture. But underdeveloped countries are characterized by rich cultures and intellectual resources. Values like cooperation and group solidarity, which form part of these cultures, can and should be complemented by the promotion of specialized skills and motivation.

Thorsten Koch, MA, PgDip
3 August 2020

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