The titles at | September 2022

  • Temperature impacts on hate speech online: evidence from 4 billion geolocated tweets from the USA (The Lancet)
  • Conscious or Unconscious: The Intention of Hate Speech in Cyberworld—A Conceptual Paper (MDPI)
  • Empathy-based counterspeech can reduce racist hate speech in a social media field experiment (scite_)
  • New approaches to combatting online hate speech (Gilbert & Tobin Law)
  • Online hate speech: if you’re not part of the solution you must be part of the problem (Performance Marketing World)
  • ANA introduces educational program to combat online hate speech (The Media Leader)
  • How RDR is Helping GLAAD Turn the Tide on Online Hate (Ranking Digital Rights)
  • Reported User-Generated Online Hate Speech: The ‘Ecosystem’, Frames, and Ideologies (MDPI)
  • K-MHaS: A Multi-label Hate Speech Detection Dataset in Korean Online News Comment (arXiv)
  • Hatemoji: A Test Suite and Adversarially-Generated Dataset for Benchmarking and Detecting Emoji-Based Hate (ACL Anthology)
  • Does hate speech express hate? (JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHILOSOPHY via Justice Everywhere)
  • Social media platforms must regulate misinformation and hate speech (The Saturday Standard, Kenya)

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