- Addressing hate speech through education: a guide for policy-makers (UNESCO)
- Marking International Day for Countering Hate Speech, Secretary-General Calls for Renewed Efforts Promoting Peaceful, Just Societies (United Nations)
- International Day for Countering Hate Speech (United Nations Population Fund)
- UN Human Rights Chief: Hate speech has no place in our world (OHCHR)
- Disrupting hate: The effect of deplatforming hate organizations on their online audience (PNAS)
- Detecting Harmful Content on Online Platforms: What Platforms Need vs. Where Research Efforts Go (ACM Digital Library)
- Contextures of hate: Towards a systems theory of hate communication on social media platforms (The Communication Review)
- Role of Informal Social Control in Predicting Racist Hate Speech on Online Platforms: Collective Efficacy and the Theory of Planned Behavior (National Library of Medicine)
- Hate Speech Detection using Deep Learning and Text Analysis (IEEE Xplore)